Monday, November 28, 2011

Healthcare, YES!

I believe that before we (the people that support universal healthcare) try to convince the national government to adopt universal health care, we HAVE to convince our fellow citizens and official holders to adopt universal healthcare. By convincing our fellow citizens and official holders we will have a bigger support group. How? By explaining to them the many problems with not having universal healthcare.

There are many suffering and ill people at the moment and we we’re not doing anything about it, which is said. In face, the number of uninsured U.S residents has grown to over 45 million. The adoption of a universal healthcare system should be in consideration by our national government now, but it’s not. It is time for the people that support universal healthcare to step up and convince the government that a universal healthcare system will benefit millions of people. Today there are many new sicknesses and diseases that are occurring; the negligence of the government on universal healthcare is becoming a major problem to our society. What’s going to happen when kids are sick, and there parents can’t bring them to the doctor and get medicine because it’s too expensive?

I think that we can eliminate wasteful inefficiencies such as duplicate paper work, claim approval, etc.—our current healthcare system generates too much overhead. Instead of doctors maintaining their own record-keeping system, a universal health care plan would allow us to build one centralized system making it easier for people when at the hospital.  Most importantly, medical professional can concentrate on healing the patient rather than on insurance procedures. A simplified universal health system would allow doctors, nurses, and other medical professions to simply focus on doing what's best for the patient because medicine is a complex enough subject as it is.

Healthcare has expanded in many different countries, so why doesn’t the “greatest” countries have it? Health care should not be a luxury. I believe that EVERYONE needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and you should too. It’s time for the government to work on making things better for their country and its citizens starting with their health and well-being.

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